
Covid-19 Risk Assessment Checklist

Tailor relevancy of each section to your business and details of how you will achieve the relevant controls.

Specifics to your business may need a separate CV19 related risk assessment for each, some or none of the sections

Risk Topics –

Does this apply?

Suggested or Principle Controls in your Risk Assessment

(it is your responsibility to decide which are relevant)

Further Advice –R/A Suggestions, Document Procedure, Additional procedure
General Principles: Continue to follow advice for self isolation:

If you have symptoms of coronavirus, self-isolate for 7 days.

After 7 days:

·         if you do not have a high temperature, you can stop self-isolating

·         if you still have a high temperature, keep self-isolating until your temperature returns to normal

You do not need to keep self-isolating if you just have a cough after 7 days. A cough can last for weeks after the infection has gone.


If you live with someone who has symptoms

If you live with someone who has symptoms, self-isolate for 14 days from the day their symptoms started.

This is because it can take 14 days for symptoms to appear.

If more than 1 person at home has symptoms, self-isolate for 14 days from the day the first person started having symptoms.


·         If you get symptoms while self-isolating – you should self-isolate for 7 days from when your symptoms started, even if it means you’re self-isolating for longer than 14 days.

·         If you do not get symptoms while self-isolating – you can stop self-isolating after 14 days.


Non-essential employees who can work from home should continue to do so


Carry out occupancy calculations to establish limit of personnel who can be on site – allow for variations such as visitors, members of the public and delivery drivers


Review initial Covid 19 control of infection risk assessment (you should have done something) from when this all started. If not, you may need to add in addition steps relating to control of infection i.e. hygiene measures for individuals and the workplace.

Arrival, Parking and Getting Around Premises

Organisation of Traffic Routes Etc

·         Stagger start, finish, change over, break times etc

·         Display clear signage of procedures for entering, exiting and getting around including for visitors (i.e delivery personnel)

·         Locate hand sanitiser/ washing facilities on entrances/ exits




Complete Movement and touch map of premises and process to calculate pedestrian routes, designated entry and exit points and high-risk areas, including queuing areas and emergency evac muster points.


Specific detailed procedures may be required for especially small premises

Hand Sanitiser/ Hand Washing ·         Issue employees/ visitors with hand sanitiser

·         Locate additional hand washing stations/ sanitisers around the premises and near high touch areas

·         Display hand washing signage prominently



Complete touch map of process/ equipment to calculate pedestrian routes, designated entry and exit points and high-risk areas.


Working from Home ·         To be maintained for all non-essential workers where possible If longer term home working is to be carried out, home worker risk assessments should be completed, and equipment provision formalised
Reducing Contact, Payments and Paperwork Transactions ·         Implement contact free operation of devices (doors, windows, light switches)

·         Contactless/ electronic payments/ signatures/ documents/ transactions

·         Designate tools and equipment to employees at the start of each shift eliminate or limit tool/ equipment sharing

Procedures should dovetail with control of infection procedures.
Social Distancing, Room Dimensions, Space & Workstations ·         Calculate maximum occupancy allowing for persons to maintain social distancing

·         Conspicuously mark work areas using tape, paint or signage to clearly identify areas to be kept apart

·         Stagger break times

·         Display prominent signage

Where new workstations are created this should be assessed to ensure all basic needs are met in terms of lighting, heating, ventilation etc

Longer term further assessment may be needed for Ergonomic, Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART) or Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Avoiding Face to Face Working & Where Social Distancing is not Possible ·         Use barriers or screens – workstations, desks perhaps other areas where distancing not possible

·         Limit frequency and duration of contact

·         Review layout so workstations are not face to face

·         Eliminate hot desking and maintain working from home where possible

Task based risk assessment should be completed where physical separation of persons (i.e screens) cannot be implemented
Reducing job and location rotation ·         Where employees must work in teams/ gangs etc these should be kept the same

·         Assign employees to specific tasks and do not rotate where there is a risk of creating cross contamination

Monitor exposure to other duration based hazards such as noise, vibration, radiation and review risk assessments if necessary
Cleaning/ Washing/ Changing ·         Cleaning procedures for equipment, tools, and vehicles after each shift and after each use of shared equipment — for example, pallet trucks.

·         Use disposable equipment/ materials where possible (cutlery, PPE etc)


Review refer to control of infection risk assessment
Management and Control of Contractors and Visitors ·         Display clear signage

·         Only essential contractors to attend

·         Contractor induction reviewed/ completed

·         Ask contractors and 3rd parties for their processes when coming to you or going to them

Ensure good communication of COVID19 control arrangements between contractors and client – create Safe System of work and share with contractors.
Workplace Ventilation/ Temperature, Lighting ·         Limit touching of high touch controls by keeping lights on, doors and window open etc (bearing in mind balance of fire safety and other risks)

·         Avoid using air con if possible

Review risk assessments for controlled areas where natural ventilation is not possible (clean rooms, labs, spray booths etc)
Cross Contamination/ Control of Infection (discreet), including Toilets and Wash Rooms ·         Use touch/ movement map to identify new areas where enhanced cleaning procedures may be needed

·         Issue employees/ visitors with hand sanitisers

·         Discreet procedure (verbal – shout outs for example) for access to areas with limited space to maintain social distancing such as toilet and kitchen areas

Review refer to control of infection risk assessment
Waste Materials: ·         Gloves to be worn when emptying bins and hands washed thoroughly after handling waste.

·         Employees should avoid touching bins. Use pedal/ automatic bins where possible.

·         Define clear waste disposal procedures for office waste disposal.

More relevant if high volumes of waste are produced
Handling Materials/ Deliveries ·         Government guidance suggests that the likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low

·         Employees handling materials, components or other items personnel must use the appropriate PPE gloves and wash/ sanitise hands regularly – ensure that any designated production targets account for this need.

·         Clean handling equipment regularly

·         Ensure drivers welfare facilities are provided and that instructions for use are clear and well sign posted, accounting for visitors/ drivers where English is not the first language

For specific items that may be 2 or more person lift and social distancing cannot be maintained.


If additional or new handling aids are brought on to the premises risk assessment should be reviewed/ carried out and any training in place

First aid ·         Ensure number of first aiders is adequate to meet number of personnel returns to the premises

·         First aiders to be given information from the Resuscitation Council (https://www.resus.org.uk/media/statements/resuscitation-council-uk-statements-on-covid-19-coronavirus-cpr-and-resuscitation/covid-community/)

Potential review of needs assessment
Fire Safety ·         Ensure that any new areas are within reasonable access of emergency exit and located employees can hear the alarm and are suitably covered by any fire wardens

·         Evacuation procedure reviewed to ensure sufficient fire wardens and that muster points will allow safe social distancing

Ensure emergency procedures that may require liaison with emergency services are checked in light of reduced availability of services.


Use of Kitchen, Canteen areas ·         Stagger break times to avoid congestion

·         Designate maximum occupancy and display on entrance. A procedure should be implemented so employees know when smaller welfare areas are vacant.

·         Ensure cleaning water dispensers etc is carried out frequently

·         Use disposable cups etc

·         Clear procedure needed for shared premises and communicated

Needed for premises which prepare and or serve food on site
Mental Health and Wellbeing ·         Provide employees with information on mental health and wellbeing

·         Allow sufficient time in breaks/ shift change over/ production targets to allow employees to comply with enhanced control of infection/ handwashing procedures

·         Have very open and regular communication to help employees understand and feel comfortable with how their safety is being looked after

Engage HR where needed
Personal Protective Equipment ·         PPE is NOT currently recommended outside of clinical and care environments.

·         Gloves and coveralls should be worn when handling large amounts of materials or having to touch lots of  surfaces or where other more reliable controls cannot be put in place.

·         If using, employees should be reminded to change gloves and wash hands regularly

This should be monitored pending further government advice or specifics of your working activities – refer also to your Covid 19 r/a for offsite working that has continued thorough out the lock down


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