World Sepsis Day is held annually on the 13th September. It’s a day to remind people of the signs and symptoms of Sepsis.
Sepsis is the immune systems overreaction to an infection or injury. Normally our immune system fights infection – but sometimes for reasons unknown, it attacks out body’s own organs and tissues. If not treated quickly sepsis can result in organ failure and death. Yet with early diagnosis it can be treated with antibiotics.
Sepsis can be hard to spot. It can initially look like flu, gastroenteritis, or a chest infection. There is no one sign and symptoms present differently between adults and children.
How to spot Sepsis in adults:
- Slurred speech or confusion
- Extreme shivering or muscle pain
- Passing no urine (in a day)
- Severe breathlessness
- It feels like you are going to die
- Skin mottled or discoloured
How to spot Sepsis in children…… a child may have Sepsis if he/she
- Is breathing very fast
- Has a ‘fit’ convulsion
- Looks mottled, bluish or pale
- Has a rash that does not fade when you press it
- Is very lethargic or difficult to wake up
- Feels abnormally cold to the touch
If you spot any of these signs call 999 or go straight to A&E and ask “Could it be Sepsis?”
A child under 5 may have Sepsis if he/she:
- Is not feeding
- Is vomiting repeatedly
- Has not passed urine for 12 hours
40% of of Sepsis survivors suffer permanent, life changing after effects
25,000 of the Sepsis hospital admissions each year in the UK are children
5 people die with Sepsis every HOUR in the UK